On Wednesday, March 9 we photographed the 2011 Leukemia Cup Regatta kick-off event in Dana Point.
The Leukemia Cup Regatta is a series of thrilling events that combine the joy of boating with the critical task of raising money to fight cancer. Last year the Orange County/Inland Empire Chapter's raised $170,000 to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's mission: To cure leukemia, lymphoma, hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.
The goal for the Orange County/Inland Empire Chapter is to raise $200,000 in 2011! To donate, please click on the link below. You can easily donate on-line, and you can also see the Schedule of Events for 2011.
They have some great events planned so take a look and join in!
Here I am with Gary Jobson |
Gary on NBC covering the Olympics
Gary Jobson is a World Class Sailor who has won just about every sailing event there is! He is also The Leukemia Cup Regatta's National Chairman who's goal is to raise over $4 million this year.