Monday, October 18, 2010

Tahquiz Rock

Here are two photos of Tahquiz Rock also known as "Lily Rock".
This rock sits above the town of Idyllwild at an elevation of 8000 feet.  It's a very popular rock climbing spot, but don't even think about it unless you are advanced.

The two pictures I took shown here were taken from the exact same vantage point at different times of the day.

The image shown here was take around mid day.  The colors here are accurate but flat.

Here is the same image as it catches the golden rays of the setting sun!  Now this simple photograph start to show interest.

This is the GOLDEN HOUR!  The last hour or so before the sun sets into the horizon.  This is a wonderful time to take pictures!  No harsh shadows to deal with, and the light from the sun is soft and warm (as in color temperature).
This is my favorite time of day to shoot!  
The early morning hours just after sunrise are also very nice.  The difference is that shadows cast tend to take on a cooler (bluer) tone.

Next time you're out with your camera, keep the "golden hour" in mind.  I think you'll like the results!

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